Since 2013, I have created figurines, mixed-media pieces, and paintings for a series I call Women In Trouble.

My interest in issues women face started with my mom, Doris, who grew up during the Great Depression and had to leave school at an early age to tend to her four siblings. My mom was damaged by poverty as a child and never recovered. She had little education (she had to quit high school) and no job skills. Doris stayed at home, raised two children, and she endured an abusive marriage because she lacked the skills or confidence to go out on her own.

Women in Trouble No.1 (figurine) was exhibited at the Brenda Taylor Gallery, NYC and Astral Housewives was exhibited at Ivan Karp's OK Harris Gallery.

I still continue to add to this series, Songbirds, done in 2021-23 is a recent addition.

cliff tisdell

jan 2018

Women In Trouble

Work on Paper

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